Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twitter hashtags

Great way of tracking events:
  • http://twitter.pbwiki.com/Hashtags
  • http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2007/10/22/twitter-hashtags-for-emergency-coordination-and-disaster-relief/

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Wii Modchip

I tried to order a D2Sun V3 SPI pre-soldered to a Wii-Clip V12. It sounded like a good deal for a little over 80 euros and included a tri-wing driver. Unfortunately, the Polish company, console24.com, is less than reliable. I never got my order. Currently, I'm waiting on the refund they've promised. I'm crossing my fingers.

So, back to the drawing board.
What to order?
  • Wasabi V3 or Zero
Where to order?
And cross the fingers again.

UPDATE 1/7/09: I was hoping the chip would have arrived by now. We left for the holidays and I was desperately hoping that it would arrive in the mail. It hasn't come. I only hope that it will either come soon after I email the company or that they will refund me. Why the hell is it so hard to get a chip sent here?

UPDATE 1/9/09: Looks like my chip got sent to Maui. The seller sent the chip to the address I had in Paypal for security reasons. Since my parents are in Maui, they are having their mail forwarded from Princeton. I talked with Dad last night and he confirmed that he had an envelope from Canada with something lumpy in it. Nice. Looks like they got it! I hope I have a tri-wing driver bit somewhere.