Friday, November 21, 2008

Updating Resource Docs in ANGEL Presenter Instances

I'm an editor for an ANGEL Group that features a number of Adobe Presenter files. I was asked to update a DOC file that was consequently used in a number of presentations. I tried to re-publish ZIP files of those presentations, but realized that when I uploaded the updated ZIP the docs were the old files. I didn't even bother to try to figure it out since I'd have to go back into Parallels. So, I went into ANGEL's "Group File Manager" in the "Manage" Tab and began to manually add the updated versions of the documents directly into the "resources" directory of each presentation.

At one point, I had an empty directory in the Group File Manager and realized that the only way to delete it was to convert it into a ZIP and then delete the ZIP file. Kind of silly, but it works.

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