Sunday, April 03, 2005

Recording Phone Conversations

I've been trying to record phone calls so that I can expand my interviewing options for my podcast. I had this odd Sony microphone that fits in your ear, but I think I broke it. It's not generating a signal anymore which majorly sucks. The last time I used it was with Casey.

I've tried to record Skype using Audio Hijack Pro and Soundflower, but I'm not getting decent quality sound through the system and there is a 3-4 second latency. I guess I'm going to have to research hardware options when I get back to the States. There's always something... but on the other hand I can edit, encode, publish, and update my feed without any problems now.

I'm going to have to think about my content more. I'm relying on setting up interviews with people and I'm not getting any good material that way. I'll have to consider using conersations that were candidly recorded. What kind of ethics are involved with using candid conversations? People take candid photos of others... I'll have to think about that one.


Kent Matsueda said...

My mistakes cost me 2,100 yen this time. I just went out to buy another Sony EMC-TL1 Phone Mic only to discover that the first one wasn't broken.

Even though I have two digital video cameras, a Powerbook G4 with an iMic, a CLIÉ with a built in mic, an iPod with an iTalk, and over a half dozen different kinds of mics, I still couldn't record phone conversations. Apparently the EMC-TL1 is an odd mic. I can't use it with any device without gain control. I hope the Edirol R-1 is capable of visual feedback of the recording levels.

I found out the EMC-TL1 works by hooking it up to Hyun-joo's testy MD player/recorder. I gave up on using the MD for field work since it is unreliable, however I may be able to keep it running to record phone interviews. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the R-1 will be able to handle all of my recording needs. For its cost I should hope so.

Kent Matsueda said...

Sorry, the phone mic is a "ECM-TL1".

Kent Matsueda said...

The mic is working great, especially with my new Edirol R-1! I did notice that it is sensitive enough to pick up rubbing noises between the phone's ear piece and the edge of the mic. No big deal, but it'll be hard to keep the phone receiver steady for longer than 15 to 20 min long conversations. I want to keep the phone receiver as close to the mic as possible - touching is ideal for the best sound, but I have to be very careful about those rubbing noises. I'm feeling great about this set up!