Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How does Google Voice Work?

when people dials GVoice > Caller ID gets forwarded to Tracfone (?) > Tracfone can answer... if Tracfone doesn't pickup, GVoicemail picks up and records a message > GVoicemail then transcribes the message > GVoice then sends the transcription to Tracfone via SMS (longer messages are truncated into multiple SMS messages) & emails the message to

when people dial Tracfone > Caller ID is displayed > Tracfone can answer... if Tracfone doesn't pickup, Tracfone Voicemail picks up and records a message > Tracfone then displays a notice that a call was missed and that a voicemail was left... there is a charge to listen to the voicemail

when people SMS GVoice > SMS gets logged in GVoice & is forwarded to & is forwarded to Tracfone... replies from Tracfone are displayed as GVoice

when people SMS Tracfone > SMS notification appears on Tracfone... there is a charge to view the SMS message

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