Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lame MacBook DVD drive

Maybe that's too harsh. It works great. It's a wonderful drive. I've never had a problem doing what it's supposed to do.

But, doing "other things"... that's another story. I was trying to make a perfectly legal backup of one of my DVD's, "NH", and I found that I couldn't rip it using MacTheRipper nor convert it using Handbreak. I can't give it another shot, because someone else is borrowing it right now, but I was just thinking that the drive might be too finiky to handle CSS decryption. I remember reading that it was impossible to remove the region encoding on the drives, hypothetically of course, as I had hypothetically done with my old PowerBook G4.

It seems that the PB has a much more flexible, albeit ancient, drive as I recall only having problems ripping one or two DVD's in the past.

Oh, well. I just have to remember to make my legal backups using my PB.

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